what i’ve been doing over the past weekend-ish-past-few-days:

starting shann young…

she seems to be enjoying it.

picnicking in sacramento with my family on our way to pick up my cousin from the airport (yes, i know…i like taking pictures of random insignificant things)…

we sat under a really cool oak tree which i was unable to photograph properly…

but it didn’t prevent me from trying when i saw this.  maybe in a black and white conversion?

transposing music…

lots of school.  you don’t get a picture of that.  =)

“training” for the five k blair and i are running in october…this is a post-workout picture, hence the messy, sweaty hair.  add much redness which didn’t come through in the picture and it’ll be accurate.

lots more…but i’ll just end with a few more baby pics.  =)


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